Our story begins In 2021, with our founder Renee May spending her days adjusting to her new life as a first time mum. Her daughter Lola, the original muse behind Lolly May, loved expressing herself through clothing, but it was Renee who noticed the lack of individuality and uniqueness infused into the practicality of Australian children’s fashion.

With her own daughters as her inspiration behind each and every piece that Lolly May creates, our founder and designer Renee embarked on a creative mission to blend luxury, stylish fashion with easy-wearing, effortless design that reflect our roots in the Sunshine State of Australia. We aspire to set new standards in the realm of baby and children's fashion, crafting slow, fashion-forward pieces that transcend generations, fostering cherished memories for families worldwide.

As an Australian fashion brand, we take immense pride in being owned, led, and driven by women. Our dedicated team of seamstresses, imbued with a passion for clothing-making, are committed to delivering the utmost quality in every piece.